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HOME > インフォメーション > アーカイブ > ダイエット: 2013年12月アーカイブ
インフォメーション ダイエット: 2013年12月アーカイブ
The answer: In general, when you’re pulling out all the stops, you’re probably not going to be able to lose more than three or four pounds a week. Granted, this stat varies depending on your baseline factors, including your starting weight (people who begin at a higher weight tend to see more dramatic losses) and what your lifestyle was like to begin with (if you’re already eating pretty healthily and exercising, it’s going to be harder to see a big drop than if you completely overhaul your diet and fitness routine).
Some people may report losing even more pounds on cleanses, but that’s most likely inflated by changes in water weight (which is different than losing fat and/or muscle mass).
That said—what you can lose and what you should lose are two different things. “If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you want to do it more in the one to two pounds per week range,” says Slayton.
That’s ultimately going to be more sustainable—and easier to stay on track with—than going to extreme measures to drop three pounds in one week, only to see them come right back on.
MORE: How Keep the Pounds Off—For Good!
(松江はりきゅう治療院) 2013年12月16日 16:49
使い捨てカイロはどこに貼ればいいの? その2(女性の悩み編:生理痛など)
(松江はりきゅう治療院) 2013年12月14日 17:26